"It was He that gave some to be Pastors." Eph 4:11

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Have Faith in God!

"Have faith in God" is one of those phrases like, "Jesus wept."  They are short but incredibly profound. Why is it so hard at times to simply, "have faith in God?" Has he ever failed us?  Has He ever not responded to our cry?  I'm sure you would agree, absolutely not! Then why is it so hard to simply have faith in God?
     I believe it's because it's WE who have let Him down and it's WE who have at times failed Him.  We forget that He knows that we are but mere human. Because of this painful truth, we come under such condemnation and guilt. Those types of  negative feelings are devastating to our faith.  Some how we have bought into the lie that even though salvation is a gift and can't be earned, the "Favor" of God isn't.  We feel like we have to EARN God's favor.  Many feel if we don't read our bibles and pray everyday, have a perfect attitude, or perform many other religious works, God won't be pleased with us.  We only except half of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross, and that's the forgiveness of sins. But the other half, unconditional love, favor, acceptance and divine merit is something we have to earn.  The word says, "don't sin but if we do we have and advocate with the Father.
     Let's be free today!  When you became a Christian, not only did you receive the forgiveness of sins, you also received Kinship.  You became an Heir to the throne!  you have been positioned with Christ and have become children of the Great King!  Let's start acting like it!  Jesus is our righteousness, he paid the debt!
      Therefore, "HAVE FAITH IN GOD!" You will never be more loved and accepted than what you are now.  You can't "earn" anymore favor or love.  So, start praying and believing with an expectancy that God knows how to give GOOOOD Gifts to His children; Believe that He will answer you prayer when you pray it and come to your rescue when you cry. Trust His unchanging Hand.
     I for one am tired of living underneath the blessings of God. I'm also tired of seeing my brothers and sisters live the same way.  It takes faith to move God, in fact, the bible says, "without faith it's impossible to even PLEASE Him."  Join me in a prayer of repentance and let's ask God to help us realize who we truly are in Him. Let's move into the atmosphere of faith. When we do, things will begin to change and God will begin to give us all the bible say we can have, and that my friend is a lot!!  Until my next blog, have faith in God!!

In God's Love and Mine - Pastor Rick

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pastor Sutton,
    So many Pastors today have left repentance and faith, and the Law Gospel presentation for the watered down 'hole in my heart' 'accept Jesus as my personal saviour' or ask Jesus into their heart ' and never turned from their sins and put their faith in Jesus. It gives me hope in the future of the church.


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